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Septic Tank Systems

Septic tanks are often trivial matters or considered as a container for human waste only.
In fact , this one object can affect the health of the environment and the people around him . Now , begin to bloom Septic Tank BIOFIT as an alternative treatment of household waste .

Waste should be a concern for everyone . Waste is not only produced by the manufacturer . Each household is clearly produce a variety of waste every day .

That's why every household needs a septic tank as shelter and household waste treatment . The waste water effluent in the form of a kitchen , bathroom , laundry water used , and the dirt residents .

However, the use of septic tanks is still just a waste shelters . Usually , people provide a septic tank with a hole in the ground . The hole used as a shelter of the household waste . Well , the problem does not mean complete after you make the conventional septic tank . Septic tanks in the form of soil excavation is then covered brick may prevent you from sewage odor .

However, septic tank models using the actual excavation of the soil infiltration techniques to accommodate household waste . Well, here unfortunately . When waste water is absorbed by the soil , the soil and groundwater automatic surrounding polluted participate . Ground water can be contaminated by pathogenic bacteria carried by the waste. Ends , residents can ill when consuming the well water .

Innovation septic tanks are now growing. Today , modern septic tank is made more environmentally friendly . His name BIOFIT Septic Tank .
Septic Tank BIOFIT is the result of a long development of a septic tank system is designed such that it produces products with various advantages and environmentally friendly .
Management process in the septic tank drainage system BIOFIT using disinfectants and specific method that makes water from septic tank disposal does not pollute the environment . Because not wear the seepage system is helpful in overcoming the problem of groundwater contamination , odor and waste water problems can exhaust directly discharged without making our environment polluted .

Advantage Septic Tank biofit :

1 . Uses multiple cell biofilter media and applied , it is very effective for the growth and development of bacterial decomposition .
2 . Has anti Floating Ridge ( body structure ) that can serve as a buffer against rising body caused by pressure from the ground water in the soil .
3 . Highly efficient because it does not require special treatment and a large area , the placement of septic tanks biofit can be placed in the garden or garage
4 . Made of strong and lightweight fiberglass is not possible to rust and leak
5 . Installation process is quick and easy , so it saves time and costs .
6 . Process disinfectant ( cleaning bacteria ) that is easy to do because it only fills disinfectant tablet in the space provided in a certain amount and a certain time period on a regular basis , for example, 18 tablets every six months. This process is only done if the wastewater drains discharge directly into the general drainage . whereas if thrown into the garden / pond fish are not allowed to use disinfectant tablets .

Contact Person :

Sempati : 0813 1656 0977
Pro XL : 0877 33 800 900
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Phone : 021 - 5596 3698 ( Hunting ).
Fax : 021 - 5596 3527
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